But were afraid to ask
A comprehensive course on their formation, detection, assessment and mitigation –
from the mill to operations
Course Schedule
Day 1-4: 9am-1:30pm Central Time
1. Introduction
2. The Concept of the Virtual Pipeline
Understanding the pipeline life from the start in the steel mill to the end after decommissioning. Overview of how NDT data available during different stages of the pipeline life prior to commissioning can be integrated to provide the Operator with a virtual pipeline for later reference. Alternatives when manufacturing data are scarce or unavailable.
3. Manufacturing Defects
Fabrication of pipe and how the typical defects found in plate and strip and the longitudinal welds arise; typical defects in seamless pipe. Historical perspective on mill defects.
4. Construction, Commissioning and Service Defects
Typical defects in girth welds, mechanical damage to pipelines, coating damage during pipeline installation.
5. Testing in Steel and Pipe Mill and during Construction
The systems available for continuous 100% evaluation of plate and strip; NDT methods utilized as part of the QA/QC process during the various stages of pipe manufacturing. Special attention is paid to the inspection of the longitudinal welds introduced during production.
6. Overview of Pipeline Inspection Technologie
Introducing the physical principles involved. Sensitivity of the inspection options (special focus on magnetic and ultrasonic systems). Discrimination between fabrication defects and corrosion defects. Limits to the present technologies. What are the deliverables supplied by inspection vendors.
7. Corrosion Risk Assessment and Corrosion Morphology
Methodology of corrosion risk assessments.
8. Water Injection Pipelines – Corrosion and Corrosion Control
The mechanisms of corrosion in water injection pipelines and the morphology of the defects that are formed. Evaluation of corrosion using standard analyses. Statistical techniques to derive corrosion propagation rates.
9a. Internal Corrosion and Corrosion Control in Oil Pipelines
The mechanisms of corrosion in water injection pipelines and the morphology of the defects that are formed. Evaluation of corrosion. Statistical techniques. Typical corrosion propagation rates.
9b. Internal Corrosion and Corrosion Control in Gas Pipelines
The mechanisms of corrosion in gas pipelines and the morphology of the defects that are formed. Top of the line corrosion. Corrosion resistant alloy pipelines. Evaluation of corrosion. Statistical techniques. Typical corrosion propagation rates.
10. Metal Loss Inspection Focus ILI
Available technologies and in-line inspection tools for the identification and sizing of metal loss
11. External Corrosion and Cracking of Pipelines
Soil, seawater, sediment and microbiological corrosion. High and neutral pH cracking. Hydrogen induced stress cracking of corrosion resistant alloys. Coating breakdown and cathodic protection failure
12. Crack Inspection Focus ILI
Introducing tools and technologies available for the detection and sizing of cracks in oil and gas pipelines. Understanding the difference between piezo-electric and EMAT ultrasound technology. The issue of accurate depth sizing. Current limitations of available tools and usability of data for crack assessment. Introduction of additional techniques.
13. Verification of ILI, Measurement Errors and Accuracies
Introducing the issues related to measurement errors and systematic errors and their influence on the usability of data for integrity assessment. How can in-line inspection results be verified?
14. Input for Effective Defect Assessment
From data to information to decision support. Levels of complexity. Metal loss assessment. Defect interaction. Decision support: when do I need to repair? Crack assessment, challenges, key input. Geohazards. Strain analysis. Run comparisons. Inspection intervals.
15a. Corrosion Control of Onshore Pipelines
External Corrosion control of onshore pipelines. Using NDT data to support corrosion evaluations and define inspection intervals. Support analyses, CP and coating monitoring. Options to reduce corrosion damage.
15b. Corrosion Control of Offshore Pipelines
External Corrosion control of offshore pipelines. Using NDT data to support corrosion evaluations and define inspection intervals. Support analyses and monitoring. Options to reduce corrosion damage: retrofitting cathodic protection.
16. Pipeline Repair
Prioritization of repairs. Types of repairs: patches sleeves, non-metallic repairs, stand-off sleeves, clamps. Section replacement (stopple and stitch). Cost comparisons.