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Pipeline Defects Repair Workshop
Led by Sergio Limón and Michael J. Rosenfeld
May 21-22, 2025 | BLADE ENERGY PARTNERS’ OFFICE | Houston

Register before May 7, 2025 and save $100!

Day 1
  8am-4:30pm CDT  Course
Day 2
  8am-4:30pm CDT  Course

Course Syllabus


Day 1

8:00am – Introductions

Pressure Reduction Guidelines and pre-NDE Activities (Sergio)

  • Pipeline pressure reductions
  • Coating removal techniques and pipeline surface preparation

Non-Destructive Evaluation Methods (Sergio)

  • Common definitions of defect assessments and in-ditch evaluation
  • Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), pit gages and laser surface profilometry
  • UT shear-wave and phased array, Eddy current probes, IWEX, TFM, and CT

Common Pipeline Repair Systems (Mike)

  • Definitions of temporary and permanent repairs: PHMSA and ASME
  • Buffing/grinding, Type B and A metallic sleeves, compression sleeves, composite sleeves: e-glass and carbon fiber
  • Mechanical bolt-on clamps, and hybrid repair sleeve systems

Repairing Corrosion (Mike)

  • Formation of internal and external general corrosion and pitting corrosion and what can make them grow
  • Corrosion defects that require repair and allowable repair options

12:00-1:00pm – Lunch Break

Repairing Cracks (Sergio)

  • Formation of stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced cracking, and fatigue cracks and mechanisms that can make them grow
  • Cracks that require repair and allowable repair options
  • Demonstration of NDE Methods
  • Hands on demonstration of pipe surface preparation and defect characterization

Demonstration of NDE Methods 

  • Hands on demonstration of pipe surface preparation and defect characterization

5:00pm – End of Day 1

Day 2

8:00am – Course resumes

Repairing Gouges and Grooves (Mike)

  • Source of gouges and grooves in pipelines and what can make them grow
  • Defects that require repair and the allowable repair options

Repairing Seam Weld Defects (Sergio)

  • Formation of lack of fusion, cold welds, hook-like defects and stitching and what can make them grow
  • Sean weld defects that require repair and the allowable repair options

Repairing Seam Weld Corrosion (Mike)

  • Formation of selective seam weld corrosion (SSWC) and what can make them grow
  • SSWC defects that require repair and the allowable repair options

Repairing Plain Dents and Dents with Damage (Sergio)

  • Formation of dents and dents with gouges, cracks, or corrosion and what can make them grow
  • Dents that require repair and the allowable repair options

Repairing Wrinkle, Buckles and Ripples (Mike)

  • Formation of wrinkle bend, buckles, and ripples
  • Wrinkle bend, buckles and ripples that require repair and the allowable repair options

12:00-1:00pm – Lunch Break

Repairing Grith Weld Defects (Mike)

  • Formation of cracking and volumetric defects initiate in girth welds and what can make them grow
  • Girth weld defects that require repair and the allowable repair options

Repairing Hard Spots, Laminations, Blisters (Sergio)

  • Formation of cracking and volumetric defects initiate in girth welds and what can make them grow
  • Girth weld defects that require repair and the allowable repair options

Demonstration of Repair Systems Installation

  • Class attendees will witness the preparation and installation of most common repair systems: composite sleeves, metallic sleeves, bolt-on, and grinding/buffing

5:00pm – End of Workshop



 Organized by:

Clarion Technical Conferences