NGOC 2025 Exhibit Contract View

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Exhibition Rules & Regulations

2025 Natural Gas Odorization Conference

  1. Exhibition space may not be occupied jointly by separate companies unless such companies are subsidiaries of the same parent company. Any exceptions must be agreed by management in writing. Sales agents and representatives may attend as members of their client companies’ exhibition staff, or as Visitors.
  2. Arrangement of Exhibits: Exhibits shall be so arranged as not to obstruct the general view nor hide the exhibits of others. Curved panels at the back of a booth may not extend outward more than 18 inches from the rear of that booth. Plans for specially built displays not in accordance with regulations should be submitted to the Management before construction is ordered.
  3. Aisles: Must be clear of exhibits, interviews, and demonstrations. Distribution of literature must be made inside your contracted space(s).
  4. Installation and teardown: All exhibitor displays must be completely installed by no later than 4:00pm Monday, August 25, 2025. Exhibitors may not begin dismantling before 2:00pm Wednesday, August 27, 2025.
  5. Hospitality suites, demonstrations, etc. The exhibitor agrees not to host or schedule outside of the exhibition area any activities related to conference attendees during the following periods:
    • between 5:00pm and 6:30pm Monday, August 25
    • before 7:00pm Tuesday, August 26
    • before 2:00pm Wednesday, August 27.
  6. Fire Safety and Health: The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city, and state ordinances and regulations covering fire safety and health. All exhibit equipment and materials will be reasonably located within the exhibit space and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary. Only fireproof materials should be used in displays and the exhibitor will take the necessary fire precautions.
  7. Labor: Rules and regulations for union labor, when applicable, are made by the local unions. These regulations may be changed at any time. Where union labor is required because of building or contractor requirements it will be necessary for the exhibitor to comply with the regulations.
  8. Moving Pictures, Sound Devices, and Lighting: If moving pictures are used, the exhibitor agrees to comply with union requirements for the operation of equipment. Audiovisuals will be permitted if tuned to conversational level and if not objectionable to neighboring exhibitors. If loudspeakers or sound devices are used, they should be tuned to conversational level and must not be objectionable to neighboring exhibitors. The conference management reserves the right to restrict the use of glaring lights or objectionable lighting effects.
  9. Delivery and Removal During Conference: Under no circumstances will the delivery or removal of any portion of an exhibit be permitted during the conference hours without permission first being secured in writing from conference management.
  10. Exhibitor Personnel and Others: Exhibits should be staffed by persons who are qualified to discuss the company’s products and services. At least one person should be available and qualified to discuss the engineering and other technical details. The conference management reserves the right to prohibit an exhibit or part of an exhibit which in their judgment may detract from the character of the exhibition. Dress code for exhibitor staff and representatives of exhibiting companies is business casual, meaning attire suitable for an office or an industrial plant setting. Exotic or suggestive attire is not acceptable. Persons not in conformance with this dress code will be asked to leave the premises and may return if their attire is deemed suitable by the organizers. All booths must remain intact until the close of the conference. Canvassing in exhibit halls or distribution of advertising matter or souvenirs by representatives of non-exhibiting firms is strictly forbidden.
  11. Storage: Crates and boxes must be stored under cover. If it is necessary for outside storage, the Management will endeavor to cover the packing boxes and crates with tarpaulin or other material. Management assumes no responsibility for damage or loss of packing boxes or crates.
  12. Power: It is mutually understood and agreed that the Management shall use reasonable care to prevent the interruption of power services during the exhibition. However, the Management shall not be held responsible for interruption of power services that may occur.
  13. Food and Beverages: Exhibitor distribution of food and beverages for consumption in the building may only be made with the permission of the building management. Any food or refreshment distributed or consumed by the exhibitor shall, at the exhibitor’s risk and expense, comply with all applicable federal, state, and local sanitary and safety laws and regulations.
  14. Unoccupied Space: The Management reserves the right, should any rented exhibitor’s space remain unoccupied on the opening day, or should any space be forfeited due to failure to make proper payment, to rent said space to any other exhibitor, or use said space in any other manner Management feels necessary. This clause shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of the exhibitor to pay the full amount, specified in the contract for space rental should the Management not resell the space. When space application is accepted and space is assigned, the exhibitor is liable for full payment.
  15. Liability: Exhibitor agrees to protect, and save, and hold Clarion Technical Conferences, its Conference partners, the Hotel and all agents and employees thereof (hereinafter collectively called Indemnities) forever harmless for any damage or charges imposed for any violations of any laws or ordinances, whether occasioned by the negligence of the exhibitors or those holding under the exhibitor, and further, exhibitor shall at all times protect, indemnify, save and hold harmless the indemnities or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arises from or out of or by reason of said exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the hotel, or any part thereof, and which is not caused by the negligence of one or more of the indemnities. Exhibitor understands that the indemnities do not maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property or lost revenue and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.
  16. Fulfillment of Contract: In case the hall is damaged or destroyed by fire, the elements, or by any other cause, or if circumstances shall make it impossible for the Management to permit an exhibitor or exhibitors to occupy the space assigned during any part or the whole of the period covered, then during such circumstances Clarion Technical Conferences, its Conference partner, the Hotel Management will not be liable for the fulfillment of this contract as to the delivery of space and the exhibitor will be reimbursed a proportionate share of space rental.
  17. Payment and Cancellation: (a) Booth rental fee must be paid in full within 30 days of the invoice date. The Management may release any space for which payment has not been received on time.
    (b) Cancellations received on or before May 30, 2025 shall be refunded at 100% of amount payable, less a $200 administrative fee. Any exhibitors canceling after May 30, 2025 will be liable for the full payment of space cost at the contracted price. Clarion Technical Conferences assumes no responsibility for having included the name of the defaulting exhibitor in any conference materials.
    (c) If the event is cancelled by the organizers because of issues beyond the organizers’ control – such as government restrictions on travel and/or entry to the USA; laws against gatherings over a certain size; company policies restricting travel or attendance at events; flood, storm, fire or other disaster – fees will be refunded in full.
  18. Breach of Agreement: Any breach of this agreement by the exhibitor may result in the the exhibitor being excluded from future events organized by the conference management and the forfeit of any post-conference information such as attendee address lists, contact details, and other marketing information.
  19. Conference Management: The exhibition is managed by Clarion Technical Conferences, 2715 Houston Avenue, Houston, TX 77009, 713 449 3222 USA. All matters not covered in these conditions are subject to the decision of Management, and all exhibitors must abide by decisions made by Conference Management.