Defect Assessment in Pipelines
Led by Dr. Phil Hopkins
Online: Anytime


Course attendees will receive free access to the new online version of the Encyclopedia of Pipeline Defects, Third Edition! This is an invaluable resource for any pipeline engineer.

"Through this required operator must evaluate all defects and... develop a schedule that prioritizes the defects for evaluation
and repair."

—from the Final DOT Rule: Pipeline Integrity Management in High Consequence Areas, August 2002

"This final rule adopts a … definition for Moderate Consequence Areas to identify additional … pipeline segments that would require integrity assessments, thus assuring the timely discovery and repair of pipeline defects in MCA segments."
—from the Final DOT Rule: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines, October 2019

Why you should attend

Many transmission pipelines are now over 60 years old. This is "late-middle aged" in pipeline terms, and even the best designed and maintained pipeline will become defective as it progresses through its design life. Therefore, operators need to be aware of the effect these defects will have on their pipeline, and — more important — be able to assess their significance in terms of the continuing integrity of the system. High-technology maintenance tools (for example, in-line inspection devices) now help pipeline owners assess the condition of their lines, and if these modern maintenance methods are combined with modern defect-assessment methods, they can provide a very powerful and cost-effective tool.

What you will learn

Led by Dr Phil Hopkins, this 8-hour course (over 2 days) is designed for pipeline engineers and managers. It presents the latest methods to evaluate the significance of defects found in oil & gas pipelines: corrosion, dents and gouges, cracks (e.g. SCC), weld defects, and fatigue. These methods will range from simple, quick assessment methods to the more detailed fitness-for-purpose analysis.

Course structure and delivery

Anytime registration gives you access to the course lectures and the complete documentation within 48 hours of your registration and the receipt of your payment. The online lecture sessions will be available to you for 60 days. The online lecture sessions will be available to you for 60 days.

Anytime registration does not include the live Question & Answer sessions with the instructor. However, you can attend these Q&A sessions during a future scheduled version of the online course. Simply contact us to validate your participation any time in advance of the scheduled course.

Who should attend

Pipeline engineers, managers and service professionals who are involved with the operation, maintenance, inspection and repair of pipelines

Course documentation

Complete course presentation material will be available as a PDF download prior to the course. 600 pages.

Recording available after the course

You can access the entire webinar-course recording online for 60 days following the webinar sessions.

Continuing Education Units

Upon completion of the course, participants will be eligible to receive .7 Continuing Education Units.


About the Encyclopedia of Pipeline Defects, Third Edition

The aim of this Encyclopedia of Pipeline Defects is to illustrate the range of defects that may be encountered in high-pressure steel pipelines and their pipeline coatings. It gives advice on the probable cause and significance of the defects and comments on appropriate remedial actions. This book is not intended as a ‘Do-It-Yourself Manual’ for the diagnosis and analysis of defects, and use of this manual will not make the user an ‘instant expert.’ Many of the defects require analysis and diagnosis by a qualified expert using specialist analytical techniques.

 Organized by:

Clarion Technical Conferences     

 In collaboration with:

The Competence Club