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for Pipeline Crack Assessments
November 21, 2024 | Blade Energy Partners’ office | Houston

Day 1
  8am-5pm CDT  Course

Course Syllabus

Chapter 1: How Pipelines Fracture

  • Understanding what controls fracture of pipelines under burst and cyclic conditions
  • Fracture process
    • Initiation
    • Stable propagation
    • Arrest
  • Fracture of pipelines with sharp cracks and notch-like/blunted defects
  • Fracture behaviors
    • Brittle cleavage
    • Quasi cleavage
    • Ductile micro void coalescence
  • Intergranular and transgranular fractures

Chapter 2: Fracture Toughness Testing

  • Common fracture toughness definitions, description of toughness test methods, and identification of the relevant physical fracture event they measure
  • Charpy impact notch toughness testing
    • Brittle lower shelf, ductile upper shelf, and transition regions
    • When ductile initiation can be assumed
  • Quasistatic fracture toughness testing
    • Brittle and ductile fracture initiation, and ductile tearing stability
    • J-integral, and its qualifications: JC, JU, JIC and J-R crack growth resistance curve
    • Crack Tip Opening Displacement CTOD: δC, δU, δIC
  • Engineering meaning of Charpy, J-integral and CTOD toughness data
    • Considerations for selecting toughness values for in engineering assessments
  • Common tests specimens and form of loading
    • C(T), SEN(B), SEN(T), M(T)
    • Constraint effects
  • Effects of test specimen size, loading configuration, flattening, and temperature
  • Considerations when testing the seam weld area: bondline, HAZ
  • Factors that affect the fracture transition test temperature
  • Common sources of measurement errors
  • A fracture toughness database of pipe body and seam weld locations obtained from API 5L vintage and modern line pipe steels
  • Is there a lower bound fracture toughness for API 5L vintage steels?

Chapter 3: Fracture Toughness Correlations

  • Transferability of toughness results from sub-size test samples to full size pipelines applications
  • Common initiation toughness Charpy to J and K and CTOD correlations
  • Origin of correlations including the type of tests performed and steel characteristics
  • Correlations applicability space
    • lower shelf brittle behavior
    • transition fracture behavior
    • upper shelf ductile behavior
  • Charpy to ductile stable tearing JR- Δa correlations and their engineering meaning
  • Physical fracture parameters used to correlate the toughness values
  • Quantifying the degree of conservatism in the correlations
  • Comparison of correlations with toughness data obtained from API 5L line pipe steel: pipe body and seam weld toughness

Chapter 4: Fracture Toughness for Pipeline Engineering Applications

  • Application of fracture toughness values in failure pressure predictions and fatigue crack growth life estimations
  • Crack and crack-like anomalies assessment requirements in PHMSA regulations in §192.933 (d) and fracture toughness requirements in §192.712 (d)
  • Relationship of the chosen failure stress model, fracture behavior being evaluated, and the necessary type of fracture toughness
  • Effects of fracture toughness and defect dimension on the failure pressure prediction
  • The influence of fracture toughness in fatigue crack life estimation
  • Options when no measured fracture toughness data are available
  • Input fracture toughness options in failure stress models: NG-18 ln-sec, Newman-Raju, CorLAS, API 579/ASME FFS, and MAT-8

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